
Collaboration No. 2 Hits the Shelves

Posted July 11, 2011

Category: General

Collaboration No. 2, a beer we brewed with our friends at Deschutes Brewery, will hit liquor store shelves and bar taps starting this week. Not long after that, it will make it's way onto your tastebuds. Before you get to that point, we wanted to share some more information about this very special ale. This beer traces its roots back to a friendship between our Belgian Brewmaster Steven Pauwels and Deschutes Brewmaster Larry Sidor. Both are arguably tops in their field when it comes to respecting and expressing raw materials. Steven has placed Boulevard on the artisanal craft beer map with his homeland inspired Belgian-style beers and Larry masterfully showcases the myriad of aromas and flavors hops can contribute to a beer. Talk began of partnering on a beer over the course of spending time together at beer festivals, conferences, and chance encounters in airport terminals. Rather than viewing each other as competitors, both Steven and Larry have tremendous respect for the others' breweries and the beers they make. Why not produce a beer, no, create an entire style that would showcase each Brewmaster's brewing teams strengths. In this spirit, we've created a unique "White I.P.A."

At Boulevard, we view ourselves not as brewers who "brew to style," but instead who "brew to flavor." With Collaboration No. 2, you can expect distinct, fruity Belgian yeast overtones married with big, fruity American hop flavors. We wanted these somewhat contradictory flavors to exist in harmony in the glass rather than tasting as though a Belgian Wit had been mixed with an American I.P.A. To do this we carefully selected sage and lemongrass to serve as an herbal bridge between the two styles of beer we'd combined. Due to the nature of adding large amounts of fresh herbs to beer, you might experience some sediment in bottles. As with any of our bottle conditioned beers, we suggest carefully pouring as to not disturb the sediment that naturally forms in the bottom of the bottle. If you're adventurous, like we are from time to time, swirl the bottle a bit and pour into another glass to taste. Expect to be greeted with bright hoppy overtones in the aroma balanced by the sage, lemongrass, and almost bubble gum fruitiness the Belgian yeast strain used for fermentation contributes. The mouthfeel of this beer will be medium bodied, but carried quickly by near effervescent carbonation. Collaboration No. 2 will finish fairly dry, but with a lingering hop flavor and bitternessย reminiscentย of Deschutes' fantastic pale ales.

We couldn't be more proud to have partnered with a Brewmaster and brewery all of us at Boulevard respect so much. This is a beer to be shared, savored, but not locked away in a cellar. As with any hop forward beer, hop flavor and aroma are the best and brightest the day you take the bottle home. Share this beer with friends knowing that it was brewed by friends as well!

Click here to see photos from the day of brewing Collaboration No. 2 with Boulevard brewers and Larry Sidor of Deschutes.